Class: 2014 Age: 37 Company: Sarasota County Fleet Services
Education & training: Bergen Community College, Paramus, N.J.; Community College of the Air Force, Travis AFB, Calif.; ASE and EVT Certifications, Sarasota, Fla.
Professional accomplishments: While in the Air Force, a crane had broken down in the middle of a heavy-traffic flight line. I felt the pressure knowing that any moment, several aircraft would be trying to taxi in right where I was standing. I diagnosed a fuel problem, then used a spray bottle and small tube to pump fuel in from the inlet side of the pump. I tightened everything back up, cranked it over, and she fired right up. It taught me that with a little creativity and keeping calm, you can get through whatever stressful situation arises.
Extracurricular: I am the head coach of my daughter’s fast-pitch softball team and a member of the local order of Moose.
Fun fact: Until I enlisted in Air Force at 20 years old, I had practically no knowledge of vehicle maintenance or repair.