Equipment Executive - Nov 3rd, 2023
Terms and conditions are seldom explicit...
Equipment Executive | View online
November 3, 2023
Mike Vorster suggests that a redefinition of "acquire" would provide fresh insights into how time affects owning costs...
For most heavy-equipment contractors, achieving effective fieldwork hinges on just two essential elements: equipment and personnel. These two components share...
Understand the differences and use them to improve cost control.
Mike Brennan, CEM, says equipment professionals must revise their approach to proactive recruitment and onboarding. In addition to recruiting...
Craig Gramlich, CEM, outlines a real-life battle of old vs. new or the battle of fully depreciated vs. fully valued.
The rate calculation has not changed much over the years. I remember the days when we estimated the cost of gasoline for the pony engine to the penny and used the crazy assumption that “repairs, including...