Vögele America Vision series asphalt pavers includes two tracked machines and two wheeled, one each at 8- and 10-foot widths. Vision 5200-2 is a 10-foot tracked paver, 5203-2 is 10-foot wheeled, 5100-2 is 8-foot tracked, and 5103-2 is 8-foot wheeled.
Vögele introduced the series during Conexpo-Con/Agg, focusing first on the machines' forward and all-around visibility. The operator can see the sides, the hopper and the conveyors in the back, without having to move around. The machine's sloped design plays a factor, but the key features are swing-out operator stations (on both sides) and sliding control console. The console slides from one side of the platform to the other, and also swivels and tilts.
In addition to emphasizing operator visibility, the new series is designed to free the paving crew from many tasks associated with the machine. Fluid levels and other inspection points are now monitored from a display panel, and a hydraulic front apron (a long-time Vögele feature from overseas) is an option on the Vision series. The apron prevents forward spillage of the mix, eliminating much shoveling in front of the paver, the company says. As the hopper closes, the front apron rises. Self-tensioning conveyors permit the crew to focus on the asphalt, too. Conveyors have hydraulic cylinders that keep them adjusted.
Independently operated hopper wings can be dumped one side or the other, or both at the same time. Vögele eliminated flow gates and designed the Vision series with independent conveyor and auger drives.
Service access is available from the deck and from each side of the machine, with generator, air cleaner, pumps, filters and dipsticks all accessible from one location. Lube points for conveyors and augers are located in the same place, with an automated lube system available. The pavers feature a Controller Area Network (CAN) bus system in which controllers execute much of the work of operating the paver, using single wires instead of bundles of wiring harnesses.
Three electric screeds will be available for the 10-foot machines, including the Carlson EZ-III 1017 and EZ-IV 1019 screeds with front-mounted extensions and the HR 500 E rear-mounted screed. No diesel-heated screeds will be available. With ErgoPlus controls at the screed, paver functions are logically arranged and clustered in groups reflecting the needs of the paving site. Direct access to paver functions is achieved via push buttons. Reversal of auger rotation, for instance, can easily be done by the screed operator at the touch of a button.