Wood and brush attachments

Loftness Flail Mower Attachment for Skid Steers
Equipment Attachments

Loftness Flail Mower Skid Steer Attachment

Attachment is compatible with skid steers and compact track loaders.

Brush Cutter Line Blue Diamond Attachments
Brush Cutter Line Blue Diamond Attachments
Equipment Attachments

Blue Diamond Brush Cutter Attachments Line

New line up includes 13 different models of brush cutters for use with mini skid, skid and track loaders.
Loftness Battle Ax 10
Equipment Attachments

Loftness Battle Ax 10 Series Mulching Heads

The Series 10 Battle Ax mulching head is powered by a 45cc fixed-displacement gear motor.
Tigercat 4054 Mulching Head
Wood and brush attachments

Tigercat 4054-20 Mulching Head

Sept. 25, 2024
The mulcher head has a smaller diameter drum with a more compact design.
Loftness Stump Ax Stump Grinder 24SG Attachment

Loftness 24SG Stump Ax Stump Grinder

Attachment is compatible with low-flow skid steers and excavators.
Diamond Mowers
DC Pro drum mulcher.
Wood and brush attachments

Diamond Mowers DC Pro drum mulcher

Oct. 26, 2023
DC Pro drum mulcher has a 50-inch cutting width.
IronCraft X-Treme Tree Reaper Brush Cutter Attachment
Wood and brush attachments

IronCraft X-Treme tree reaper brush cutter attachment

Oct. 3, 2023
Motor options include gear motor and axis piston motor.
Loftness Specialized Equipment, Inc.
Loftness Kwik Cut Brush Cutter Attachment
Loftness Specialized Equipment, Inc.
Loftness Tilt Hitch Excavator Attachment
Wood and brush attachments

Loftness Tilt Hitch for excavator mulching heads

Attachment is compatible with excavators ranging from 10,000 to 36,000 pounds.
Field Test

Attachments Turn Skid Steers Into More Than Loaders

Sept. 28, 2010
Items:Caterpillar HM315 MulcherGenesis Versi-ProBobcat Expands Breaker LineBradco Tree and Brush MulchersMcLaren Dig-&-Grab Grapple BucketThomas Rumble-Strip GrinderCase/Bradco...