Ditch Witch FX20

Sept. 28, 2010

Ditch Witch FX20 Vacuum ExcavatorDitch Witch says its FX20 is the company’s most portable and affordable vacuum excavation system to date.

Ditch Witch says its FX20 is the company’s most portable and affordable vacuum excavation system to date. A 27-horsepower Kohler gas engine powers the FX20, developing vacuum power of 540 cubic feet per minute – equal to Ditch Witch’s larger FX30 vacuum. With a 150-gallon spoil tank, the system is suited for cleaning out municipal valve boxes, commercial and residential debris cleanup and landscaping, exposing utility lines, posthole digging, and other relatively small, short-run projects. The FX20 can be transported in the back of a pickup truck, on a flatbed, or a small trailer, with no CDL required.