The Northeast Trenchless Association's 4th annual meeting went off without a hitch in spite of a 15-inch snowstorm that blanketed the Central Mass region on January 14 and 15. President Danielle Martin from Henniker Directional Drilling, LLC opened the meeting at the Sheraton Hotel in Framingham, Mass. Brian Dorwart, PE, PG kicked off the speakers by presenting the topic "What is your drill really doing in the ground?" Dorwart, vice president of Haley and Aldrich, Inc., presented thoughts on how the drill system is reacting with the ground and what each team member can do to improve the chances of a crossing success. Other speakers included a land survey class by Ben Dow of Engineers Construction Inc., a presentation of high-pressure piston pumps, hands-on operation and maintenance by Jim Timberlake of Ted Berry Company, and pipe bursting by Brian Cowles of Earth Tool/Hammerhead. The final presentation of the evening was given by Sportscaster Dale Arnold, voice of the Boston Bruins, who fielded many questions about hockey, football and Gillette Stadium. Later that evening members enjoyed an awards ceremony where Danielle Martin gave up her role as association president to BruceHubbard from ETTI. "I have been on the board since the NTA started four years ago as a founding member," Martin said. "This association has a very dedicated group of members. The board members are a team who take great pleasure in promoting education and integrity in the trenchless industry on behalf of our members. It was my honor to be the president this year and anytime I can remain involved with this group of people and their goals, it is one of the best personal ad profession investments I could ever have. I will remain involved as a past president and am anxious to participate in the NTA as a general member for the first time." Other new association officers include: Secretary, Brian Dorwart, Treasurer, Matt Timberlake, Treasurer Ralph Edwards, Past and second Vice-President Jim Hargraves. On the agenda for Tuesday, January 15 were Scott Delman from ClientKeep, Inc. talking about "8-1/2 ways to improve your business through communication," Greg Kidd of Wright Pierce Engineering and Greg Buckley of Mine Safety Appliance presenting a confined space overview with atmospheric testing, a bore planning presentation by Tod Cote of ECI Directional Drilling, and Peter Masters of Geophysical Inc. on ground penetrating radar. The meeting ended with a question-and-answer panel including Robbie Chadwick from EJ Prescott; Bill Haines of Vari-Tech; Brian Dorwart, PE, PG of Haley &Aldrich; Shelby Heritage from ISCU Industries; Lawrence Norris from Ferguson Waterworks; and Matt Timberlake from The Ted Berry Company. The NTA is an organization dedicated to providing quality education, information, business and social networking opportunities to members of the trenchless industry. One main goal is to preserve the environment and routine life activities through HDD and trenchless methods.