Used Truck Pricing's Wild Ride

Sept. 23, 2022

A story in Fleet Owner chronicles the used commercial vehicle market's wild ride, with unusually high prices the last two years, and wonders when the elevated price bubble might burst.

The used-truck market has always been connected at the hip to commercial vehicle production by OEMs and the availability of all classes of brand-new CVs, most especially Class 8 over-the-road tractors.

In no years has this been more apparent than in 2021 and 2022, a period when OEMs have struggled because of component shortages and clogged supply chains to meet the demand for new models and to keep up with their usual supply and ship them to dealerships, fleets, and lessors across the U.S.

The market for used CVs—even older models with higher mileage—has been the beneficiary of the new truck market’s slow recovery, which sources told FleetOwner may take through 2023 into 2024. Settle in to an unusual used-truck market for many months, they advised.

Read the story.

Source: Fleet Owner