Cummins will bring to market a 15-liter natural gas engine for heavy-duty trucks.
The engine can be paired with a Cummins Eaton Automated Transmission Technologies Endurant HD Transmission and Cummins Fuel Delivery System, ensuring a purpose-built and fully integrated natural gas powertrain, the company says. Other transmission pairings will be available at launch for specialized applications. The 15-liter engine will offer ratings up to 500 horsepower and 1,850 lb.-ft. of torque, and is expected to weigh 500 pounds less than comparable 15-liter diesel engines currently available on the market while not requiring Selective Catalytic Reduction to meet 2024 California or EPA emission standards.
Electric Generator Sets
Cummins Engine Co., Inc.
Sept. 12, 2011
Latest in Heavy-Duty Trucks, Class 7 & 8, >26,000 GVW
Latest in Heavy-Duty Trucks, Class 7 & 8, >26,000 GVW