Utility Mapping App Allows Instant Data Transfer

Feb. 12, 2025
Subsite app allows data transmission across locator and map applications.

UtiliView utility mapping app from Subsite allows users of its UtiliGuard 2 RTK locator to send utility data directly to their Esri map without needing to download data transfer or convert files. Esri requires an annual subscription.

Using the UtiliGuard 2 RTK locator, technicians can obtain survey grade, centimeter-accuracy of utility locations. The utility data they capture can then be instantly transferred to an Esri map via the UtiliView app with the single push of a button on the locator. 

Read also,How to Calculate the Cost of Vacuum Excavation.”

Once utility data is collected, it can be accessed from anywhere, all while being securely stored in a private environment. Photos can also be added to log points in the UtiliView app for visual documentation and to create clearer, more complete records. Instant distance measurements can be generated to save time and improve record accuracy.   

“The UtiliView app makes locate jobs easier and simpler to complete than ever, allowing users to add utility data to maps with one push of a button,” said Rodolfo Cabello, product manager, in a statement. “The app eliminates much of the hassle that can come with locating and mapping utilities, requiring fewer steps than any other solution on the market, so both administrators and those on the jobsite can work more efficiently.”

Subsite’s patent-pending Point Navigation feature allows UtiliView app users to access and navigate to previously located points. They can retrieve those points in the field with just a few taps on their mobile device screen.

GIS administrators using the UtiliView app can also add layers for gas, water, electric utilities, and more. Maps can be made accessible with QR codes to promote uniformity across devices.