Vaisala Adds Visual Monitoring

Aug. 26, 2022
Provides advanced remote visual monitoring

Vaisala has added Sensera wireless cameras to its Wx Horizon service to provide visual data to its real-time road condition analytics available with its GroundCast sensors.

The wireless cameras and Sensera’s SiteCloud software platform provide advanced remote visual monitoring including real-time analytics and offers solution providers like Vaisala a reliable “drop-in” solution for visual information to complement remote sensing and IoT applications, according to Sensara.

“SiteCloud Analytics has enabled Vaisala to bring very quickly to market a more comprehensive solution for parking lot winter maintenance that includes sensors, camera, forecasts, and a UI in a single service,” said Jason Weinberger, head of weather solutions and service for Vaisala, in a prepared statement. “The integration was smooth and being able to offer an end-to-end solution that has proven reliability and performance to our market is powerful. The flexibility of SiteCloud and Sensera’s cameras allowed us to easily configure the system for our specific applications.”

David Gaw, chief strategy officer for Sensera Systems, said in a statement:

“We are proud to partner with Vaisala, a true market leader, to bring affordable, real-time visual monitoring to the road maintenance industry. The visual monitoring provides a great complement to Vaisala’s high accuracy GroundCast road sensors to give users a complete picture in real-time.”

Source: Sensera Systems