CM Labs Motor Grader Training Pack

Oct. 19, 2017
With the simulator running the training pack, operators can manipulate and position the simulated blade the same way as on a real machine, the company says, including a functional saddle-locking bar and automated cross-slope control.

A Motor Grader Training Pack is available for deployment on the company’s Vortex simulators.

With the simulator running the training pack, operators can manipulate and position the simulated blade the same way as on a real machine, the company says, including a functional saddle-locking bar and automated cross-slope control. Trainees can progress from basic controls familiarization to more advanced exercises ranging from trailer loading and unloading to windrow management, material spreading, V-ditch operations, and more. Operator performance and abilities are objectively scored by the Vortex simulator, which measures metrics such as blade efficiency, grade quality, idle time and cycle time, and fuel consumption. It also can be used for operator assessment.

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