Atlas Copco CA1400 Soil Roller With Two Amplitudes, Speed Settings
The CA1400 soil roller features a 66-inch-wide drum and two amplitudes—.032 inches and .067 inches—allowing users to compact a wide range of materials.
Using the adjustable settings, operators can change the amplitude to suit different lift thicknesses. In addition to two amplitudes, operators can set the speed on the CA1400 to high or low to achieve different compaction results on a variety of applications and materials. To ensure consistent speed, the roller features flotation tires, a differential lock, and a drum drive system for high traction in forward or reverse. Smooth-drums or pad-drums are available. The roller also has a static linear load of 112 pounds per linear inch for compacting thin layers of materials, such as silt, clay and gravel. Compaction power from its eccentric weights transfers through the roller’s drum to compact sand and gravel as deep as 20 inches with minimal passes, the company says.