What to Look for in Intelligent Compaction

March 5, 2025
Roller manufacturers have put their own stamps on the technology.

Numerous major roller manufacturers have embraced IC, sometimes adding their own twists and groups of related products.

Sakai was an early adopter of IC technology. In addition to its rollers with accelerometers to measure changes in amplitude waves to check the stiffness of material—a compaction meter value (CMV)—it offers an optional temperature sensor to map the temperature of the asphalt mat during the compaction process.

This is to ensure that roller operators can keep pace with the paver and stay off the mat outside the “tender zone” temperature range.

Sakai has partnered with industry manufacturers of IC systems to ensure the best fit and performance possible. The company’s proprietary CCV (Compaction Control Value) sensor can be used with Topcon systems. Sakai says its system is more accurate than conventional CMV sensors in that it tracks with actual density as pass count increases.

In contrast, the common CMV sensor accuracy falls off as pass count increases. Because of this, Sakai noted that its CCV was the first IC measurement value to meet FHWA criteria.

BOMAG offers a host of IC-related products.

First, networking the machine fleet with BOMAG Telematic gives managers control over fuel consumption, operating hours, and location. The company’s Economizer feature monitors the degree of compaction at all times. It is designed to  achieve optimal compaction results and avoid over-compaction.

With the company’s BOMAP system, managers can document work results on the construction site in real time, regardless of the manufacturer, and receive a transparent overview of compaction performance.

Thanks to this assistance system, the degree of compaction on the construction site can be easily checked and documented. The roller operator can immediately see where the subsoil has already been optimally compacted, or whether further passes are required.

The BOMAP app works without any additional special hardware. BOMAP uses the mobile device's internal GPS to detect the position of the machine on earthwork or asphalt construction sites. The app is immediately ready for use after installation.

BOMAP Connect and Joblink upgrades offer even more options for networking the entire fleet of machines used on the construction site and processing the recorded data more easily.

Compaction technology and operator effeciency

About the Author

Frank Raczon

Raczon’s writing career spans nearly 25 years, including magazine publishing and public relations work with some of the industry’s major equipment manufacturers. He has won numerous awards in his career, including nods from the Construction Writers Association, the Association of Equipment Manufacturers, and BtoB magazine. He is responsible for the magazine's Buying Files.