Ligchine SpiderScreed Concrete Screeds
SpiderScreed Series joins the company’s line of laser and 3D GPS/LPS-guided concrete screeds.
The SpiderScreed is a compact, lightweight, maneuverable drive-in system designed for upper deck concrete and slab-on-grade screeding applications. It has a 100-percent TIG-welded tubular aluminum cage design that keeps overall weight down to approximately 1,100 pounds. Its 3-wheel Versa-Drive system offers all-wheel drive, independent zero turn drive, up to 90-degree horizontal drive, and lateral drive.
The power-to-weight ratio of 55 pounds per horsepower allows lower slumps and cooler running. It also incorporates a machine-leveling system to ensure flatter floors and greater compaction than simple screed-head-only leveling systems, the company says.