Rider Levett Bucknall’s (RLB) Crane Index for North America is published biannually, tracking the number of operating tower cranes in 14 major cities across the U.S. and Canada.
It provides the number of fixed cranes on construction sites, not cost or financial data, and gives a simplified measure of the current state of the construction industry’s workload in each location.
For Q1, the Index reports a nominal increase of 7.04 percent (34 cranes) from the Q3 2022 edition. Of the 14 cities surveyed, eight experienced an increase; two decreased; and four held steady.
Las Vegas experienced a 300 percent jump in tower crane use, going from three to 12.
Notwithstanding concerns for the housing market, residential, and mixed-use projects make up 73 percent of the overall count. RLB anticipates the number of cranes to remain high into 2023. Despite uncertain market conditions, construction projects will continue to break ground, albeit at a cost.
Read the report, including city-by-city summaries.
Source: RLB