Ditch Witch JT100 All Terrain HDD

Nov. 19, 2010

Ditch Witch's exclusive two-pipe drilling system of the JT100 All Terrain allows the 268-horsepower HDD to install pipe in most ground conditions, including solid rock, the company says. It features 100,000 pounds of pullback with 12,000 ft.-lb. of torque and is designed for extended-range bores and large-diameter-pipe installations. The machine automatically adjusts carriage thrust speed with rotation when making up and breaking out drill pipe. Its dual-pivot drill frame allows for steeper entry angles without raising the tracks off the ground.

Ditch Witch's exclusive two-pipe drilling system of the JT100 All Terrain allows the 268-horsepower HDD to install pipe in most ground conditions, including solid rock, the company says. It features 100,000 pounds of pullback with 12,000 ft.-lb. of torque and is designed for extended-range bores and large-diameter-pipe installations. The machine automatically adjusts carriage thrust speed with rotation when making up and breaking out drill pipe. Its dual-pivot drill frame allows for steeper entry angles without raising the tracks off the ground.