Driverless Cars Stop San Fran Traffic

July 5, 2022

Nearly 20 driverless cars caused a major traffic jam in downtown San Francisco reports SFGate, referencing an earlier San Francisco Examiner report.

The site says that according to local Reddit users, Cruise’s self-driving cars inexplicably stood still and blocked traffic for two hours, making the area completely impassable. Eventually, the San Francisco-based tech company's employees had to physically move the cars off the street themselves.

Sean Sinha, a bouncer at Smuggler’s Cove, posted multiple photos of the incident on Reddit showing clusters of the cars just sitting in the middle of the road. “The first thing I say to my coworker is that they're getting together to murder us. It was a pretty surreal event,” he posted. “Humans had to come and manually take the cars away. Cruise should get fined...for blocking the street off for so long. They even made it so the street sweeper couldn't hit an entire block.” According to the outlet, the cars weren’t taken off the road until midnight.

Read the story.

Source: SFGate