Texas Sees Spike in Work Zone Deaths

April 5, 2022

Texas work zone deaths in were up 33 percent in 2021 compared to 2020, according to the Texas Department of Transportation, with 244 people losing their lives. Most of the dead were motorists or passengers, but three construction workers and 38 pedestrians were also killed, according to TxDOT.

“It’s cause for tremendous concern that the number of people killed on our roadways reached a 40-year high last year and fatalities in our work zones rose dramatically,” said Marc Williams, executive director, in a prepared statement. “It’s important for drivers to remember that driving conditions in work zones can be especially challenging because of extra congestion, slow-moving heavy equipment, temporary barriers and vehicles that make sudden stops. That’s why it’s crucial for everyone to give driving their full attention and drive a safe speed in areas where construction and maintenance are underway.”

TxDOT announced it “Be Safe. Drive Smart” campaign marking National Work Zone Awareness Week, April 11-15. It provided the following tips.

Work zone safety tips

  • Slow down. Follow the posted speed limit and adjust driving to match road conditions.
  • Pay attention. Avoid distractions, keep mind on the road and put phone away.
  • Watch out for road crews. The only protective gear they wear is reflective clothing, a hardhat, and safety boots. Always follow flaggers’ instructions and be mindful of construction area road signs. 
  • Don’t tailgate. Give room to stop in a hurry, should need be. Rear-end collisions are the most common kind of work zone crashes.
  • Allow extra time. Road construction can slow things down. Count on it, and plan for it.

Source: TxDOT