California Leads the Rush to Electrify

Jan. 10, 2022

As with schoolbooks and diesel-emissions reduction, what happens in California does not stay in California.

California’s Advanced Clean Truck (ACT) has been moving across the two coasts: Washington and Oregon on the West Coast have applied the regulation to truck sales, as have New York, New Jersey, and Massachusetts on the East Coast. Others are considering implementation.

The regulation requires sales of new trucks to include a percentage of zero-emissions trucks. The percentage grows to 75 percent of Class 4-8 trucks in 2035, and 55 percent of Class 2b-3 trucks. The rule becomes effective in 2024.

According to Bloomberg, the six states implementing the ACT regulation account for 20 percent of the nation’s trucking fleet.

Exclusive research conducted by Construction Equipment benchmarks penetration of electric equipment and trucks among construction fleet managers. More than half of respondents said they operate in areas without any sort of governmental mandate regarding site emissions or fleet composition. Only 15 percent reported that they currently use electric-powered vehicles in their fleets.

The complete report will be published at a later date.