Working in a way that conserves fuel can end up saving jobsites money, according to the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM). To begin reducing fuel use, AEM recommends examining top fuel usage influencers in off-highway applications.
Idle Time
According to AEM, idle time often contributes largely to fuel inefficiency. To decrease idle times, operators can use fuel-saving technology such as auto-idle. Using auto-shutdown is also an option, allowing a machine to idle for a preset period of time. If a machine idles infrequently throughout the day, this may mean the operator is not shutting down the machine when on break or on the phone.
According to the release, either machine selection, material location, or another jobsite factor needs to change to reduce idle time.
Equipment Operation
How an operator uses a machine can also influence fuel efficiency. One easy way operators can save fuel is by using the appropriate work mode, allowing them to match the power needed to the application at hand.
To best optimize fuel use, a company should examine data related to jobsite workflow. Keeping up with maintenance is also a factor, such as checking fuel filters on machines from suppliers.
Source: AEM