Designed for the maintenance and repair professional, farm and ranch operator, and fabrication specialists, the new Wildcat 200 from Miller Electric Mfg. Co. provides industrial quality welding performance, durability and generator power in a compact and lightweight package.
Featuring a fully enclosed case that protects the engine and internal welding components from damage by falling objects, dust and debris, the new generator is capable of producing 6,500 watts of peak generator power and 200-amp DC Stick and TIG welding output.
At 345 pounds, it uses a 14-horsepower Subaru engine and its seven-gallon gas tank provides 12 hours of run time using a 1/8-in. Stick electrode. A simple-to-use interface allows users to select the amperage range and electrode type using a coarse range switch and then adjust the fine control dial to tune-in the optimal arc.