McLaren Nu-Air Solid Cushion Tires Now for Front & Rear of Backhoes
June 8, 2015
Related To: McLaren Industries
McLaren Industries
Sept. 12, 2011
McLaren's Nu-Air solid cushion tires are now available for both the front and rear of backhoes.
The Dirt Terrain (DT) tire is for off-road applications where aggressive traction and high stability are important. The All Terrain (AT) tire is an option for mixed-purpose vehicles. The zigzag tread pattern is designed to provide a smoother ride with less wear on asphalt, concrete and other hard surfaces, yet still has the ability to go off-road. Nu-Air series tires utilize three layers of rubber compounds and multiple shock-absorbing relief holes. Flat-proof technology eliminates the need for tire protection, while the extra weight of the tires lowers the backhoe’s center of gravity, the company says.