Sage Oil Vac Service Trucks

Dec. 18, 2024
Drivers of the service vans do not require CDLs.

The LV230 Sage Oil Vac service van holds 60 gallons of fresh oil and 50 gallons of used oil. The LV430 service lube truck holds 90 gallons of fresh oil, 30 gallons of coolant, and 60 gallons of used oil.

Drivers of the service vans do not require CDLs, and the cost of a van is lower than that for a dedicated lube truck.

The enclosed van keeps fluids warm in low temperatures, minimizing oil viscosity issues. The van also functions as a dry storage space for crews, allowing them to pack everything they need for each job. The LV230 service lube van includes 303 cubic feet of storage, and the LV430 has 349 cubic feet.

Both have Ranger Design shelving, and technicians can access everything they need via the van’s side door.