Cat SIS2GO app puts maintenance, troubleshooting, and repair information at the fingertips of Caterpillar equipment owners.
With SIS2GO, Caterpillar is offering customers the opportunity to access the latest Caterpillar operation and maintenance, service, and parts manual information for their equipment. Two levels of access are available. Operation and Maintenance Manuals (OMM), Parts manuals, and the ability to identify, verify, and place orders for Cat parts from independent Cat dealers are available to all users at no charge. An affordable monthly or annual subscription gives access to comprehensive service manual information. The subscription provides troubleshooting guides, step-by-step repair procedures, recommended tooling to complete the repair, hydraulic and electrical schematics, and much more. The mobile companion to SIS2.0, the SIS2GO app, is available on Windows, iOS, and Android platforms.