Velcon Filters, LLC

Colorado Springs, US 80907-3410


About Velcon Filters, LLC


1210 Garden of the Gods Rd.
Colorado Springs, US 80907-3410

More Info on Velcon Filters, LLC

Velcon Filters, LLC is a manufacturer of filtration and separation products and solutions since 1953. In addition, we offer innovative technologies for in-process real time fuel monitoring such as the Velcon Contaminant Analyzer (VCA®) and our Flow Differential Pressure Module (FDPM®). Our key market segments include bulk filtration of fuel for commercial aviation, military aviation, and diesel fuel. We also offer solutions for filtration of oil used in the electric utilities industry. Velcon's headquarters in Colorado Springs, Colorado houses the world's largest indoor jet fuel testing facilities and allows us to test our products to ensure that quality and performance are up to our customers' expectation.