Perkins Syncro Range Includes 4-cylinder, 2.8- and 3.6-Liter Diesels
Perkins has launched a new family of 4-cylinder, 2.8- and 3.6-liter diesels.
The Syncro range of common rail engines will meet multiple global emissions standards including Tier 4-Final. Engineered to integrate into more than 80 different machine models, the high power and torque density will give OEMs the opportunity to move to smaller, more compact engines, the company says. With up to an 8 percent improvement in fuel economy during machine use, the 3.6 liter offers powers up to 134 horsepower and the 2.8 liter turbo aftercooled variant delivers a maximum of 74 horsepower.
The Syncro range benefits from a suite of technologies including a common rail fuel system, electronic control, advanced air systems and aftertreatment configurations. A 90 percent commonality in the customer interfaces between the 2.8- and 3.6-liter engines gives OEMs the freedom to determine machine platform strategies that suit their businesses and markets, Perkins says.