John Deere Power Systems

Waterloo, US 50704-5100


About John Deere Power Systems


3801 W. Ridgeway Ave.
P.O. Box 5100
Waterloo, US 50704-5100

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Diesel Engines, Over 250 hp

John Deere Power Systems Electric Drivetrain Components

April 24, 2019
Electric drivetrain components are designed to meet the demands of the off-highway market and give OEM customers the flexibility they need to implement hybrid power in their equipment...
PowerTech PSL 4.5L_Final Tier 4
Diesel Engines, 100 to 250 hp

John Deere Power Systems PowerTech PSL 4.5L Engine Has Variable Speed Ratings

Sept. 1, 2016
The Tier 4-Final PowerTech PSL 4.5L engine with variable speed ratings is equipped with an Integrated Emissions Control system consisting of cooled EGR, a DOC and an SCR system...
JDPS_PowerTech_PSL 13.5L engine
Diesel Engines, Over 250 hp

John Deere Power Systems PowerTech PSL 13.5L Generator Drive Engine

Oct. 20, 2015
The PowerTech PSL 13.5L prime power generator drive engine becomes the most powerful in a lineup that meets Tier 4-Final emissions regulations without the need for a DPF.A space...
Jdps Ewx 2
Diesel Engines, Under 100 hp

John Deere Power Systems 2.9L Generator-Drive Engines

Dec. 18, 2014
Five new PowerTech 2.9L generator-drive engines have power ratings from 41 to 74 horsepower and are designed for prime-power or standby applications.The models meet Tier 4-Final...
Diesel Engines, Over 250 hp

John Deere Power Systems 13.5L Generator Drive Engines

Dec. 11, 2013
Two 13.5L generator drive diesel engines for emergency stationary gen-set applications are available in the 350- to 500-kWe range.The PowerTech E 13.5L Tier 3 and PowerTech 13...
Diesel Engines, 100 to 250 hp

John Deere PowerTech PWL 4.5L Engine

May 7, 2013
The 85- to 140-horsepower PowerTech PWL 4.5L engine, which will meet Tier 4-Final regulations without a DPF, complements the John Deere lineup of Tier 4-Final off-highway diesel...
Deere PowerTech copy web

Deere PowerTech Engines

Nov. 9, 2011
Three John Deere Power Systems models—the PowerTech PWX 4.5L and PVX 4.5L engines, and the PowerTech PVX 6.8L model below 174 horsepower—in its lineup of 75 to 174 horsepower ...