Hi-Cap Multi-Ripper Bucket for excavators is designed for use in native limestone, blue shale, caliche, and coral, without the need for additional hydraulics.
The staggered ripper teeth fracture the substrate in sequential order. No two ripper teeth align with each other, resulting in the maximum breakout force being applied sequentially to each tooth, the company says. Also, the distance from the excavator stick pivot to the tooth tips is shorter than the standard bucket for the machine. The shorter distance multiplies the tooth tip force.
The rolling of the bucket always provides the full, multiplied breakout force individually on each tooth so that the substrate is broken out by each individual tooth’s ripping action. The result is a relatively flat trench bottom and flat sides, according to the company. Bucket sides are made of Swedish Hardox 400 steel, and bucket sizes are offered to fit machines from a skid steer or 6,000-pound mini excavator all the way up to a 300,000-pound excavator.