Cummins QSK50 Engine Ready for Tier 4-Final
Cummins next-generation QSK50 engine is ready to meet EPA Tier 4-Final emissions standards in configurations up to 2,000 horsepower for powering large mining haul trucks, hydraulic excavators and loaders. The 16-cylinder, 50-liter engine uses a fully integrated Cummins Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) aftertreatment system, designed as a drop-in replacement for the exhaust silencers. According to Cummins, the SCR system and the engine’s clean-combustion enhancements enable the QSK50 to lower operating costs by 5 percent or more, the result of significantly higher fuel efficiency and low levels of diesel exhaust fluid consumption. Durability improvements and lower fuel burn contribute to an extended life-to-overhaul for the Tier 4-F QSK50, says Cummins, which estimates an additional 1,500 hours or more before rebuild. Oil and filter service is extended to 500-hour intervals for the Tier 4-F QSK50.