AED Foundation Recognizes Illinois Diesel Tech Program

Aug. 25, 2021

The AED Foundation (AEDF) has recognized the automotive & diesel technology program at the Livingston Area Career Center in Pontiac, Illinois.

The Foundation recognizes high school technical programs that can generate opportunities for high school students across North America who are interested in the equipment industry.

The program at the Livingston Area Career Center is the 22nd to be recognized in North America.

Attending a recognized high school program is one of the first steps students can take to work toward a career in the heavy equipment industry. These programs can prepare students for further training post-graduation. Upon completion of a recognized high school program, students move on to an accredited college program, like Illinois Central College, where they can become an AEDF Certified Technician in just two years.

Students in the Pontiac area have access to quality technical education at Livingston Area Career Center as recognized by The AED Foundation. As a requirement, all recognized high school programs must meet rigorous standards and teach students at least two of The AED Foundation’s six core competencies:

  • Diesel Engines
  • Powertrains
  • Electric/Electronics
  • A/C and Heating
  • Hydraulics/Hydrostatics
  • Safety/Administration

Livingston Area Career Center’s efforts to become recognized will help students develop essential skills on their path to becoming industry professionals.

"I think being a part of the AED Foundation is an amazing opportunity for our students and our community," said automotive and diesel technology instructor for Livingston Area Career Center, Vincent Hobart. "This gives students an opportunity to explore a fantastic career field, network with businesses willing to invest in them, and learn the necessary skills to help make them successful. Students in other high schools may not know about these careers and that gives our students an advantage to land jobs right out of college and possibly even have businesses pay for their schooling. It’s also amazing that Illinois Central College is willing to work with us because they truly have one of the best college programs in the country and businesses in our community know it."

The AED Foundation prides itself on providing educational and professional development opportunities to students. AEDF offers resources for industry members of all ages, from students to employees at the management level.

Source: AED